1615 Pisco

1615 Pisco

In the year 1615, the first records of Pisco distillation were written by indigenous chronicler Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. Distilled from fresh grape must and in alembic copper pot stills, Pisco captures the fresh essence of grapes as it doesn’t contain any additives nor is it aged.

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1615 Pisco

In the year 1615, the first records of Pisco distillation were written by indigenous chronicler Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala. Distilled from fresh grape must and in alembic copper pot stills, Pisco captures the fresh essence of grapes as it doesn’t contain any additives nor is it aged.

This 1615 de gran terruño Pisco takes its name from the year 1615. That was the first time historical records appeared indicating the existence of grapes in Peru and their adaptation to the climate and soil of Pisco, as well as their local distillation for the production of the first Piscos. Bodega San Nicolás, the producer of “1615” pisco, uses its own vineyards to get its musts or grape juices.

Their vineyards have their own history as they are located on the same ancient hacienda belonging to the Jesuits who were in charge of the bodegas and where the first piscos were distilled in the XVII’s century. Today the bodega is in the La Pampa de Lancha-Pisco region, which was once part of the hacienda’s ancestral lands. The photographs that appear on the labels represent the fields, the still, and the bodega of this ancient Jesuit hacienda.

The piscos are distilled from fresh, recently fermented wine, made from the best quebranta grapes. No other ingredients are added as the grapes have high sugar content and sufficient natural yeast. The pisco is not corrected in any way; it comes out of the still with a 42º alcohol content which is achieved through the distillation process. The product comes out clean so no clarification is required. And after the settling period, it is sent off to market.

The San Nicolás wineries adhere to agricultural best practices, which guarantee top-quality grapes and the Bodega meets the highest quality control standards. As a result, they obtain an exquisite 100% grape pisco.