Bosque de Matasnos Ribera del Duero
Wine with the soul of the Forest
Once upon a time, somewhere in the highlands of the Ribera del Duero, one of the best regions in the world for producing quality wine… In 1960, the owners of a forest estate known simply as El Bosque (the Forest) decided to give its deepest part over to cereal.
What happened next is history…
The best way to hear Bosque de Matasnos loud and clear is to open a bottle and let it express itself. Of the five wines that make up our family, only Etiqueta Blanca has gone on the market every year.
Being so demanding is one of our hallmarks. Being able to offer the market an exceptional Bosque de Matasnos every year makes us feel on top of the world. Sharing it with you is our greatest reward!